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Apps and Programs for Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are rampant these days. Much of it is caused from cell phones and TV.

It's a big problem, considering that the pharmaceuticals prescribed for anxiety and depression are highly dangerous and often leat to suicidal tendencies.

Fear not, for there are apps and programs for that!

#1 Rated - Life Frequencies

Life Frequencies is a complete alternative health system. It has frequencies that aid with anxiety and depression and about a thousand other things as well.

Check out Life Frequencies Here...

#2 Rated - Mind Workstation

Mind Workstation is a little difficult to use, however it has a variety of frequencies for different things like anxiety.

See Mind Workstation

As far as Apps go, there are apps for Chakras and Sleep, both work wonders for anxiety and depression. It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do!

Chakra apps are powerful, because they pull you in to a meditative state. They can do wonders for the mind and soul.

Techno Anxiety - The New Human Killer

and will into benefit pills many

We live in a fast paced world in the urban environment. We're constantly attached to cell phones, tablets and computers.

Normal communication has broken down for the younger generation. I've seen people sitting across from each other in a restaraunt texting, instead of talking. This is a sad state of affairs and a literal breakdown of society.

The average person checks their phone 85 times per day.

How Bad Is It?

It's obvious how bad the mental aspects of technology are destroying life. Just take a look at Berkeley and other colleges around the USA. The younger generation can no longer cope with the basics of human reality, because they're not living in it. They live in a world of virtual reality, inside the devices that control their lives.

This breakdown is clear on several levels. The idea that any adult over 18 years old would need a "Safe Space", because they don't like what somebody does or even says, is absoulutely ludicrous. It's dangerous!

Anxiety is just the beginning and leads to :

  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Heart problems and early death
  • Depression
  • Mental disorders like paranoia, psychosis and schizophrenia
  • Stress related strokes
  • Impotence and lack of sexual drive

and can within benefit pharmaceuticals some

It doesn't end with cell phones and tablets. It's cycled in the direction of mass hysteria through television. Even older people who watch CNN, MSNBC and othe communist propaganda networks are being forced within deep anxiety through fear, based on lies. Fortunately, quite a few have turned these channels off, because they've been exposed.

If you're interested in how these networks use brainwashing and subliminal frequencies, there's a book by Eldon Taylor called Mind Programming.

See Mind Programming on Amazon

Some suggest that at the current rate of degradation through techno anxiety, 63% of our younger generation will be either dead or institutionalized by the age of 52.

Where are the alarm bells?

and can into help chemicals some

Conspiracy theorists would say this is Global Eugenics in play to reduce the human population to less than 500,000. Others would go so far as saying that it's an alien takeover of the planet.

Whatever the cause, techno anxiety is the most dangerous thing we have ever faced as a human race. It's real and it's here now. 71% of the entire human population will sometimes be obliterated in two generations, at the current pace.

Best Natural Supplements for Anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about forty million American adults suffer from a number of form of anxiety disorder. The research also shows that anxiety is the #1 mental health problem among American women and is second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men.

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and may actually be beneficial in a few situations. For instance if you are going to take a test or give a speech, your anxiety motivates you to thoroughly prepare. However, if your anxiety affects your day-to-day living and lasts for more than six months, you can need to seek assist from your caregiver to see if you have an anxiety disorder.

Whether you have a full-blown anxiety disorder or are just experiencing temporary anxiety, you may want to try many of these natural supplements to relieve your anxiety symptoms. Some of the best natural supplements for anxiety on the market today are discussed below. Some of these supplements start working right away, while others may aid lessen anxiety over time.

  • Passionflower
  • Kava
  • Valerian
  • L-theanine (or green tea)
  • Lemon balm
  • Chamomile
  • Omega-3s (fish oil)
  • B-Complex Vitamins

What is anxiety disorder?

Anxiety, anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder is the one of the most common mental disorders. It refers to the feelings of internal tension, anxiety, panic, or a feeling of "fear". It differs from the actual fear in the manner that the real fear is usually something dangerous (e.g. you see a bear or a snake). So in anxiety the topic of the fear is not genuine or at least the feeling of fear disproportionate to the threat in relation to it.

Anxiety and concern are normal emotions that occur during the life of all people. They are right as they protect us from unsafe situations, benefit in the development and encourage better performance. The limit for normal anxiety is often unclear. In generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety is a continuous and long-term. To someone with anxiety disorder, the worries and fears seem overwhelming and interfere with the daily living.

Anxiety is not a seizure such as panic attack or fear of social situations. In addition to the state of anxiety frequently include a number of physical symptoms. Anxiety disorder has substantial negative consequences to individual's social life and weakens the everyday performance.

Anxiety disorder is often associated with other mental disorders. The usual ones are panic disorder, social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Symptoms anxiety disorder

The main symptom is of course, anxiety. It is long-term, though the symptoms can change with years or when big life change situations happen. Uninterrupted and excessive concern or fear of persons own or loved one's well-being and concern of potential future threats is typical. In addition, a mixture of additional symptoms such as chest pain, palpitations, upset abdomen, muscle aches, shortness of breath, tremors, wooziness, perspiration, choking sensation, sound vibration, flushing, tickling and numbness, dizziness and frequent need to urinate. The symptoms are highly individual and the majority of general anxiety disorder patients seeks treatment for additional symptoms, not just because they suffer from anxiety and fears.

Often people with anxiety are depressed at the same time (more than a third of them) and they also experience problems of sleeping, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability and a lack of sexual desire. A number of patients suffer in addition to panic attacks and fear of social situations. Also alcohol dependence is usual.

Social anxiety

In social anxiety disorder, someone has intense fears or is anxious about a particular social situation, in which he is faced with strangers or in observation of others. A person gets anxiety, because they fear that their behavior or performance brings up an embarrassing situation, e.g. to show signs of anxiety or become one way or another embarrassed. The sufferer of social anxiety is afraid of that the others see him as "weak", "crazy", or "stupid". The person tries to avoid public speaking or giving a public presentation, mainly because others will notice persons voice trembling or confused for words. Or the individual avoids eating, drinking or writing in the presence of strangers, since he fears that the other members present notices the tremor in his hands or any other tension.

The actual fear-provoking social situation almost always causes anxiety response, which might also start a panic attack. In children, anxiety can come as crying, ill-tempered temper, freezing or clinging. Children also may not realize that the fear reaction to the situation is excessive or unrealistic. Reaction to fear often leads to avoidance of provoking situations or cause varying level of distress. A person who suffers from social anxiety is often aiming for perfection and usually cannot manage self-criticism like "normal" people.

Modest fear of social situations is very common, at least one in five adults is nervous about public presentation. It is estimated that at least 5% of the population have a number of degree of social anxiety or increased difficulty to perform daily tasks because of it, and it is more usual in women than in men.

Fears usually appear for the first time in adolescence or early adulthood. Without care or assist, often lasts for years and are more or less permanent. Fears often begin either gradually or suddenly when experienced awkward or shameful situation. Inherited factors increase the risk for the occurrence of social fears.